Thursday, February 14, 2013

2/14/13 by Lee Cook

1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, prepare your minds for action, be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.

I have to admit, focus is not my strongest attribute.  I am the ultimate space cadet (unfortunately, an attribute I passed along to my son).  In school I lettered in daydreaming.

Now that I am an adult, I've been forced, by employment and social ridicule, to maintain at least a rudimentary attention span, but I still struggle to maintain focus.

The Apostle Peter encourages us to discipline our minds.  This is something that television has been trying to erode from our culture for about six decades, so most of us struggle.  We need to embrace the disciplines that have served the church for millennia.

One of the most powerful disciplines is scripture memory, but I can already hear what you're thinking: I can't memorize things.  We've been fooled by our phones, address books, iPads, and computers that we're incapable of memorization, but it's entirely untrue.  Most of us have our childhood addresses memorized, stats from sporting events, the names of reality show participants.  We are capable of memorizing amazing amounts of data, but it requires discipline.

Perhaps you might start out by memorizing one verse a month, which is only memorizing a few words a week. Who knows where that will lead?

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